Thursday, November 1, 2012

Why Barcelona is my favourite team?

And Why Barcelona FC Can Be Your Second Favourite Team?

The Barcelona Football Club was my most favourite football team, the FCB has carried the emblem of a corporate sponsor as the frontispiece of its shirt. Barça has stood almost completely alone in this every other major European club, in fact, just about every club you care to think of—has carried a major sponsor on its shirt.

Barça has joined the ranks of those who advertise, but not in the way one might expect. In keeping with its tradition of being "more than a club, Barça has unveiled a sponsorship deal with a difference—and it has raised eyebrows and garnered further plaudits for a club which is already well loved and respected the world over. 

Barça has come to an agreement with UNICEF, the UN agency founded in 1946 in response to the needs of children all over Europe following the end of World War II. UNICEF has worked in 157 countries worldwide since its formation, helping children who are living in poverty to survive, providing vaccines, and helping to provide access to such essentials as drinking water and food. 

In return for carrying a major sponsor’s logo for the first time in 107 years, you might ask how much Barcelona is being paid. The answer is not one cent. In fact, Barcelona has also agreed to pay UNICEF around $2.5 million dollars a year for the privilege. As Barça president Joan Laporta said when addressing the UN in New York recently, “FC Barcelona is not only a football club, but a club with a soul.”The deal is staggering, for a number of reasons. This must surely be the first time that a club has paid someone to have their logo on their shirt. In mid-2005, rumours were swirling about with claim and counter-claim being made that the club might break with tradition and allow a sponsor. The Barça members were known to be opposed. The actual premium a first sponsor might have had to pay would have been significant. It is now a moot point. But for some idea of the sort of money Barça has turned down by making this deal with UNICEF, one need only look at the income of its nearest rivals. 

Real Madrid, the hated (Castilian) rivals, has a deal with BenQ from which they reap $35 million a year. Manchester United have in recent months signed a deal with American firm AIG worth $141 million over four years. Chelsea rakes in $25 million a year from Samsung, and Juventus make $37.5 million a year from Tamoil, an oil company owned by Libya, but based in the Netherlands. 

The Barcelona deal is stunning. How often is this much advertising revenue refused, let alone given away? On top of this, and the financial contribution that will be made to UNICEF, Barça has agreed to “provide support (for) UNICEF activities through its players, promoters and members”. 

As President Laporta said at the UN assembly, “Barça and UNICEF can go a long way to improving life for many children around the world." Could this be the beginning of a new trend for sporting clubs around the world? Time will tell. The cynical among us might simply say that this is the football club executive softening up the all-powerful Barça membership (Barça is owned by its members) for a time when a commercial sponsor might be brought on board.

On the other hand, Barça, like most major sporting clubs, is not short of money these days, with massive revenues coming from TV deals, shirt sales, European and domestic competitions, off-season tours, and of course the 100,000 or so people who go to the Nou Camp every second week to watch the Blaugrana in action. 

The UNICEF deal shows FC Barcelona for what it is—a forward thinking club, with a long, proud history, and a strong commitment to social justice, and making a difference to all the children of this global community

Novel Bersiri Terbaru - "TWILIGHT"

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kepada pembaca sekalian,

Kebanyakan antara kita mesti tahu dan tidak ketinggalan dengan movies bersiri “Twilight” kan.. Yang pastinya aku adalah salah seorang peminat setia siri tersebut. Kisah tentang Bella tak pernah pulak aku miss tengok di panggung yang berhampiran. Heroin rasanya tak se”hot” hero dalam cerita ni. Ok, pendekkan cerita, cerita “twilight’’ ini sebenarnya di adaptasikan dari novel bersiri yang di tulis oleh penulis yang agak terkenal iaitu Stephenie Meyer. Beliau telah mengarang sebanyak 4 episod bagi keseluruhan cerita. Lambakan novel beliau telah lama di pasaran termasuk la di Negara kita, apa yang penting kali ini novel beliau telah dialih bahasa kepada versi melayu. Pastinya di nantikan oleh peminat-peminat novel di Malaysiakan…;)

Siri Twilight yang terkenal kini telah diterjemahkan dalam Bahasa Malaysia khas untuk peminat-peminat sejati Twilight. Terdapat 4 buah novel dalam siri ini iaitu Senjakala, Cinta Baru, Gerhana & Fajar. Disini saya berikan sedikit sinopsis novel-novel tersebut.. Selamat membaca...;)

Twilight (Senjakala)

Twilight berkisar tentang seorang gadis yang menjalin hubungan dengan kumpulan puntianak. Kisah bermula apabila Isabella Swans atau Bella berpindah dari Phoenix ke Forks untuk tinggal bersama-sama ayahnya, Charlie, selepas ibunya berkahwin lagi.
Ketika bersekolah di Sekolah Tinggi Forks, dia berkenalan dengan adik-beradik Cullen dan kemudian mengetahui bahawa keluarga Cullen sebenarnya puntianak. Bella kemudian jatuh cinta kepada Edward Cullen, salah seorang daripada puntianak tersebut. Keadaan menjadi semakin rumit apabila Bella menjadi buruan kumpulan puntianak lain yang bernama James. Dengan bantuan Edward dan keluarga Cullen yang lain, Bella akhirnya terselamat.

New Moon (Cinta Baru)

Sambungan daripada Buku 1, Cinta Baru dimulakan dengan masalah hubungan cinta antara Bella dengan Edwards yang memaksa Edward memutuskan hubungan dengan Bella kerana tidak mahu membahayakan nyawa Bella.
Bella kemudian bersuhabat dengan Jacob Black dan kawan-kawannya, Sam Paul, Embry dan Quil. Apabila Jacob Black kemudian menjauhkan diri daripadanya, Bella mengesyaki bahawa ada sesuatu yang tidak kena dan akhirnya mendapat tahu bahawa Jacob Black dan kawan-kawannya merupakan kumpulan serigala jadi-jadian.
Konflik cerita ini sampai ke kemuncaknya apabila Bella menyelamatkan Edward Cullen daripada cubaan membunuh diri serta menjadi mangsa kumpulan puntianak daripada puak Volturi.

Eclipse (Gerhana)

Sambungan daripada novel Cinta baru, Bella masih terpaksa memilih antara cintanya pada Edward, si puntianak, dengan persahabatannya dengan Jacob, serigala jadi-jadian.
Pada masa yang sama berlaku beberapa siri pembunuhan kejam di Seattle, yang rupa-rupa masih terus memburu Bella. Kali ini berlaku pertempuran antara kumpulan puntianak baru yang diketuai oleh Victoria dengan keluarga Edward yang dibantu oleh kumpulan serigala jadi-jadian. Dalam pertempuran ini, Victoria akhirnya tewas.
Kesepakatan antara puntianak dan serigala jadi-jadian membuat Bella akhirnya sedar bahawa dia sebenarnya mencintai Jacob juga. Dia terpaksa membuat keputusan sama ada memilih kematian dengan berkahwin dengan Edward, atau memilih kehidupan.

Breaking Dawn (Fajar)

Cerita ini mengisahkan perkahwinan Bella dengan Edward, keadaan Bella yang hamil yang menimbulkan persengketaan antara keluarga Cullen dengan kumpulan serigala jadi-jadian, serta transformasi Bella menjadi puntianak selepas melahirkan anak perempuannya, Renesmee.
Kelahiran anak puntianak ini menimbulkan konflik dengan puak Volturi kerana anak puntianak merupakan kepantangan atau sesuatu yang ditegah dalam dunia puntianak. Hal ini menyebabkan puak Volturi bertindak untuk menghapuskan anak puntianak ini. Bagaimanapun dengan sokongan kumpulan puntianak lain seperti keluarga Denali, puntianak pengembara, dan kumpulan Amazon sebagai saksi keluarga Cullen, serta kesepakatan dengan kumpulan serigala jadi-jadian, puak Volturi akhirnya terpaksa membatalkan niat mereka, menyebabkan keluarga Cullen terselamat.

p/s:  Kalau nak beli secara online pon boleh. (01.11.12)

Al-Ikhsan Behind The Scene

Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera,

In Malaysia a sport store like Al-Ikhsan is very popular among us who love sport and can get the sport accessories with a litte tiny cheap price. Here we can see others branded sport brand like Adidas, Nike, Lotto, Head, and many more others you may been thinking. Here i will share some history and information about Al-Ikhsan Sport Store.

Al-Ikhsan Sport Sdn Bhd incorporated in 1993 as a retail sports company that having multi world brand concepts. Al-Ikhsan today has expanded aggressively to be the biggest sports chain retailer nationwide and aspires to be world class multibranding in retail chain store in south East Asia.

With over 100 stores, Al-Ikhsan also have their own Ladies sport store that call "aL-ikhsaN women". It might be easy to our girlfriend to find their stuff without us. That's the really important point to us to save a little silver coins in our men pocket... Hahaha.

The fact that Al-Ikhsan is already a highly successfully Bumiputera retailer makes it the ideal choice to operate an outlet in any business establishment. It is hoped that this growing thing will heed the GOV call to encourage more Bumiputera retailer to participate actively. InsyaAllah...

p/s: A recent survey by suppliers showed 8 out from 10 responders in the soccer industry recognizing the name of MD-Azman... ups, aL-ikhsaN.. ;) (01.11.12)

Al-Ikhsan Jumbo Warehouse Sale 2012 !!!

2012 Jumbo Warehouse Clearance Sale

Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera All my 1world friend,

Today i just want to share some great thing with you all. Check out Al-Ikhsan Jumbo Warehouse Clearance Sale start from today until 4th of November 2012. It  be held at Stadium Melawati, Seksyen 13, Shah Alam. Come early while the sale offer still last. I cannot guaranty any stock or model to you but you could go and see for yourself dude..