Saturday, October 20, 2012

Just Another Day in GOLOK..

So, this is my 2nd trip to Kelantan, this time i will attend a wedding of my friend cousin. "Golok" is just a bonus for a man who born in Malaysia but until now he did not reach a famous Golok River! and marked his steps on the Thai soil almost in no time. It was such an easy business doing all the stamping of passport at the Thai immigration office in Golok but i got a 'Lesen Besar' because i got Cik Din. His grandfather lives at the other side of Sg Golok, what? Of corse Thai'Land maa... 

But that was about it. I cross the Sg Golok with a boat and paid RM1 to the boatman, i walked out onto the soil of Thailand and I couldn’t believe how different everything was despite the fact that it was only separated from the Malaysian soil by a river. There were taxi motorbikes offering to take me to the town center.
Of course I’d walk. I don’t want to miss on things and the truth is Cik Din house is just a meter from the river...hehe

Here, most of them speak Kelantanese Malay and the women wear shawl and all, you can’t really tell a Thai from a Malay in Golok. The people in thi village being  highly populated by Muslim Thais.
I was told by cik din (my tourist guide) that there are differences in their slangs although outsiders like me wouldn’t really know.

SO, that was how I spent my hours in Golok. It might not be the best time to be there coz we rushing to go the other place but I am glad that all the questions about Golok had finally been wiped off my mind. We continued our journey to Kota Bharu after that.

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