Friday, October 19, 2012

"Pecah Kaca Pecah Gelas" lepas baca bole balas.

Salam warga blogger semua, baru nak berjinak dalam dunia blogger tanpa sempadan nih. Hope you all terus membaca and support blog nih k...;) saje nak berceloteh and to improve my english skill in writing and reading... Dah tua br nk blajo... Haha

Ok, let's start. Last week i go to ampang sport planet for playing 'futsal' with my old schoolmates. We finish at 12oclock and go "ngeteh" at kayu nasi kandar near that.
I'm very happy that time coz my team have not been defeat by them... Haha (gelak ego wahidu) we lepaking at kayu until 2, and then me n my friend decide to go home.
You know what happen? Shit, keretaku dipecah maling!!! Hampeh... Nasib baik tak hujan..

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